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Top 20 Google Ads Interview Questions and Answers

Today PPC has gained a lot of importance in the field of Digital Marketing like Google Ads, where Google Ads is more famous. For the job of an Ads consultant or PPC Executive, some of the standard Google Ads interview questions are as below.

1. What are Google Ads?

Google offers paid advertisements that appear in search results on google.com with the use of Google Ads or advertisements Google search engine displays the advertisements according to the keywords. The advertiser pays for each click on the provided published ad.

2. How does Google Ads work?

Google Ads works on a bidding system. When it comes to bidding, the price the advertiser is ready to pay is the critical factor. Pricing determines the position and rank of the Ad. 

3. What does Quality Score mean on Google?

Quality Score determines the position of an Ad on Google. It depends on factors like CTR, the accuracy of the keyword, the quality of the actual landing page linked to the Ad, the performances of the previous Ads, etc.

4. What are the Ad extensions in Google?

These extensions are the spaces provided to the advertisers to include extra details regarding their business.

5. What is the limit of characters for an Ad?

The character limit for Google Text Ads is currently 30 for Headlines (of which you have the option to use 3), 90 for Description Lines (of which you have 2), and 15 for your Ad Path (of which you can use 2). In total, you have the option of using 300 characters.

6. What is Ad Rank, and what can be the ideal rank?

Ad Rank is the position of an Ad. It depends on the bid price and quality score. A rank of 5 and above is ideal.

7. How many campaigns and Ad Groups can be created in Google Ads?

Total Number of Campaigns=10,000

Total Number of Ad Groups/Campaign=20,000

8. Name any two settings which can’t be changed once an Adword account is created?

Currency and Time – These are the two things that can not be changed.

9. How are customers benefited from Google Ads?

It is used to drive traffic to the site with the help of paid ads. When the Ad is clicked, the advertiser has to pay Google. The Ad publisher then gets a share of the Ad cost. 

10. How does Quality Score affect ad position and CPC?

The quality score is directly proportional to the ad position and indirectly proportional to the CPC. If the quality score is higher, the Ad position will be higher and costs lower.

11.How can conversion rates be improved?

Conversion rates can be improved by creating ads that perfectly match the keywords. Tightly themed ad groups should be designed so that the target audience is directly sent to the best landing page. Conversion rates will also improve if the landing page quality is improved.

12. What is a Remarketing Audience?

The remarketing audience is comprised of users who have visited a website. If the remarketing tag is used on the website, these users can be added to the audience list.

13. What is an Ad Group?

An ad group contains all of your keywords, landing pages, and advertisements. If an AdWords campaign with a proper structure is created, the advertiser will be rewarded by Google. To have a better structure, the keywords should be organized into a theme. 

14. List some of the Google Ad extensions

These include:

  1. Call extensions
  2. Sitelinks
  3. Review extensions
  4. Seller ratings
  5. Social annotations 
  6. Offer ads
  7. Communication ads
  8. Image and drop-down navigation ad extensions
  9. Location extensions

15. What are the two most important factors that determine ad position? 

The most crucial factor that determines ad position is the cost per click or CPC. The second factor is the click-through rate or CTR.

16. What is the character limit of a destination URL?

A destination URL can have a maximum of 1024 characters.

17. What can you do if your ad gets disapproved?

When an ad gets disapproved, you will receive a notification. If this happens, you can work on the ad and fix any problems that might have caused the disapproval.

18. What are the Different Keyword Match Types 

Keyword Match Types are Generally 4 Types

Broad match

Broad match is the default match type that all your keywords are assigned. Ads may show on searches that include misspellings, synonyms, related searches, and other relevant variations. So if your keyword is “women’s clothes one searching for “buy ladies clothes” as well as “women’s scarves” might see your ad.

Broad match modifier

Similar to broad match, except that the broad match modifier option only shows ads in searches that include the words with a plus sign “+” in front of them (+women’s clothes), or close variations of the “+” terms. 

Phrase match

Ads may show on searches that match a phrase, or close variations of that phrase, which may include additional words before or after. Ads won't show, however, if a word is added to the middle of the phrase that changes the meaning of the phrase. The phrase match is designated with quotation marks ("women's clothes").

Exact match

Ads may show on searches that match the exact term or are close variations of that exact term. Close variants include searches for keywords with the same meaning as the exact keywords, regardless of spelling or grammar differences between the query and the keyword. The exact match is designated with brackets ([red shoe]).

 You can then add Negative match keywords to exclude searches on Google that aren’t related to your business (optional). So if you’re a Clock company that doesn’t sell wall clock, you could add a negative keyword, designated with a minus sign (-wall clock).

19. What is the difference between managed and automatic placements?

You can decide the location of an ad for a managed placement. A managed ad can be placed on the location network. This option is not available for automatic placements.

20. What are Search Terms?

The exact words that trigger your ads are called search terms.


So these are some of the most important Google Ads interview Question that is commonly asked during the Interview. If you want to know and learn more about Google Ads and Digital Marketing techniques then you can contact our experts in Gurgaon who offer the Best Digital Marketing Course in Gurgaon.

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